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  • thomasdenhart

More Than the Minimum

My wife and I were recently eligible for free upgrades on our cell phones. We went to the store and met with the representative and we were given our new phones. If you are not aware, cell phones are very expensive these days! We were thankful for the free upgrade but also wanted to ensure the safety of our devices. So we purchased screen protectors and shockproof cases to encase our new gadgets. Even though we didn’t spend any money on the devices, we did not want to risk using them without any protection. We know we are likely going to drop them at some point. We did not want to do just the bare minimum to protect them.

It got me thinking about how many of us do the bare minimum when it comes to our children’s education. I say that with the understanding that people are busy. Our lives are crazy busy but that’s a blog for another day. But when it comes to the education of our children, I wonder if we even give it any thought at all? Are we engaging in the activities that go on at their school beyond going to sporting events? Do we check homework, check in with teachers, or check report cards? How many of us are doing just enough to get by...just doing the bare minimum?

It is interesting because a child’s primary school education is setting the foundation for so much in their lives. It is so much more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. They are learning morals, social interactions, and independence. At this age your child is easily influenced. Your opinion about the importance of their education is contagious. What matters to you will matter to them.

I want to encourage you to invest time and energy into the lives of your children. They have spent a good percentage of their day working diligently at school. They would be ecstatic for you to go through their finished papers with them. Ask them about the things they are learning. Dig deeper than just asking them if they had a good day. Ask them questions when they seem to be struggling in an area. Show them that you care. A good place to start would be to give them your undivided attention for a moment. This lets them know they are important to you and that you want to hear what they have to say. Giving them that undivided attention may open the door for future conversations.

Our duty, as parents, is to impart truth to our children. Deuteronomy 6: 6-7 says, “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” Notice the frequency of interactions between parent and child. We simply must do more than the bare minimum, especially when it comes to our children!

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We exist to educate the whole child: mind, body and spirit.  With biblical truth as the foundation of all learning, we  employ godly teachers to assist the home and the local church in developing children who have a biblical worldview featuring the preeminence of Jesus Christ.
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